Regions Bank believes that focusing on priorities that complement our expertise and talent allows us to best serve our communities. By supporting initiatives where we can have meaningful and measurable impact, we’re well-positioned to continue doing more today and into the future.(2020)
Carlton Speed Foundation (2012-2020).
The BBVA Compass Foundation demonstrates their support to the communities where they have a presence. The Foundation provides charitable grants to qualified nonprofit organizations – a long and proud tradition of the many banks that came together to create the company we are today. WOMAN, Inc. has been a beneficiary of multiple annual grants (2016-2020).
Frost Insurance Charitable Foundation Whether it’s education, economic development, health and human services, or the arts, they support the nonprofit organizations where their employees and customers live and work. WOMAN, Inc. has been a beneficiary of multiple annual grants (2015-2015).
The State Employee State Employee Charitable Campaign Charitable Campaign is the only statutorily authorized workplace campaign for state agency and higher education employees throughout Texas. Thanks to legislation that created the State Employee Charitable Campaign in 1993, employees of state agencies, junior and community colleges, and universities throughout Texas enjoy the benefit of giving to many of their favorite charities through an annual workplace giving campaign which features the convenience of payroll deduction. WOMAN, Inc. has been a beneficiary of multiple annual campaigns.(2013-2020)
Himalayan Drug Company, Sugarland, Tx…. WOMAN, Inc. has been a beneficiary of multiple annual grants (2014-2015).
Regions Financial Corporation, 5005 Woodway: WOMAN, Inc. has been a beneficiary of a grant (2014).
Andrews Foundation:WOMAN, Inc. has been a beneficiary of multiple annual grants (2013-2014).
Frees Foundation: WOMAN, Inc. has been a beneficiary of a grant (2013).
The Enrico & Sandra Di Portanova Charitable Foundation….. WOMAN, Inc. has been a beneficiary of a grant (2013).